Anodizing Masking Tape

Green polyester masking tape tape is an ideal option for many anodizing masking needs

Green polyester masking tape is a widely used material for achieving complete anodizing stop-off. 

It cuts easily, adheres quickly and removes cleanly.

It is a masking tape that easily withstands the Type 2 and Type 3 anodizing processes (for a Type 1 anodizing masking tape, see here).

One thing to remember

For the best results, it is important to remember that anodizing changes the surface of aluminum and tapes are pressure sensitive. 

So be certain to both push down on the tape after applying, and then give the tape some time (ideally 12 to 24 hours) before anodizing.


Our American made tape means the same-day trip from manufacturer to our dock ensures fresh, USA-quality tape that will last up to 12 months without degrading in effectiveness.

Just store on end in a cool, humidity-controlled location between 60F and 80F for best shelf life.

No-cost custom widths

And with Viadon, you are not limited to a handful of tape widths.

Yes, we slit tape to 1/2", 3/4", 1" and 2". 

But we can also set our digitally-controlled slitter to cut nearly any width of tape you need - even a single roll - at NO additional charge. Just meet our $50 minimum order.

Plus, most orders we get shipped same-day.

Viadon also die cuts anodizing tape disks to size, and offers custom-shapes die cutting and we have lined green polyester tape if you have your own plotter/cutter to make one-off or low quantities of custom shapes as well.


For more information about our high temp masking tape for anodizing, follow these links:

Green Polyester Tape Rolls

Green Polyester Tape Die Cut Disks

Need higher heat, or better conforming to complex curves and shapes? Check out these other high-quality masking tape options for anodizing masking from Viadon.