SFPP - Silicone Flanged Pull Plugs

  • Silicone Flanged Pull Plug
  • Silicone Flanged Pull Plug
flanged pull plug diagram

Diagram of Dimensions for Flanged Pull Plugs

Silicone Flanged Pull Plugs, 600°F (powder coating, e-coating, anodizing, plating, painting, thermal spray, grit blasting)

Got a weld nut that needs the threads, and the top thread masked off? Viadon's Silicone Flange Pull Plugs (SFPP's) are the solution. How does it work, you ask? Place the narrow diameter end through the hole and pull the large diameter end of the plug into the nut, stopping when the flange touches the top thread. To remove after powder coating, painting, anodizing or plating, just pull the plug the rest of the way through using the handle.

These indispensable masking aids reduce your costs for masking by speeding up the masking process and reduce rework. SFPP's are ideal for masking threaded through holes where having a masked top thread surface is critical. Viadon's fully cured, 45 durometer SFPP lineup can withstand temperatures up to 600°F / 315°C.

Custom sizes available with low cost tooling. Try a FREE sample of a flange cap today - Contact Us for more information!

Stock items are subject to availability, but are usually available for shipment within 24 hours.

NOTE: These plugs are manufactured from a softer (40-45 durometer, Shore A) silicone rubber material than many of our other caps and plugs (55-60 durometer, Shore A). This is to allow the flange to pass through a hole fully when removed from a part to be masked. Due to this softer durometer, some plugs will experience a higher rate of tearing and/or shrinking.

  • Available Products
    Part # Color A (in.) B (in.) C (in.) D & E (in.) Use for Price Qty/Bag Qty (bags)  
    SFPP-0173-RED RED 0.173 0.098 0.250 1.0 / 1.0 10-24, 10-32 / M5 $47.94 500 Add to Shopping List
    SFPP-0210-WHITE WHITE 0.210 0.130 0.360 0.5 / 0.5 M6 $41.71 500 Add to Shopping List
    SFPP-0218-BLUE BLUE 0.218 0.125 0.340 1.0 / 1.031 1/4-20 powder/paint $45.14 500 Add to Shopping List
    SFPP-0230-GREY GREY 0.230 0.125 0.350 1.0 / 1.031 1/4-20 anodize/plate $48.44 500 Add to Shopping List
    SFPP-0285-YEL YELLOW 0.285 0.160 0.400 1.0 / 1.062 M8 $52.92 500 Add to Shopping List
    SFPP-0335-OR ORANGE 0.335 0.160 0.460 1.0 / 1.031 3/8-16 / M9 $55.72 500 Add to Shopping List
    SFPP-0350-PINK PINK 0.350 0.187 0.473 1.0 / 1.062 M10 $62.19 500 Add to Shopping List
    SFPP-0420-GREEN GREEN 0.420 0.235 0.540 1.01.062 M11 $42.49 250 Add to Shopping List
    SFPP-0445-PUR PURPLE 0.445 0.240 0.560 1.0 / 1.062 1/2-13 / M12 $46.90 250 Add to Shopping List
    SFPP-0490-WHITE WHITE 0.490 0.255 0.610 1.0 / 1.0 M14 $50.50 250 Add to Shopping List
    SFPP-0545-RUSTY RUSTY 0.545 0.275 0.663 1.0 / 1.0
    $65.36 250 Add to Shopping List
    SFPP-0580-RED RED 0.580 0.295 0.700 1.0 / 1.0 M16 $73.56 250 Add to Shopping List

    Custom sizes available with low cost tooling.

    Try some FREE silicone flanged pull plug samples – Contact Us for more information!

  • Technical Specifications
    • Temperature Range: Up to 600°F / 315°C
    • Ideal for powder coating, e-coating, plating, and anodizing.
    • Material: Silicone
    • Color: Various
    • Great chemical resistance for most metal finishing applications.
    • Re-usable.

    Flanged Pull Plug

    flanged pull plug diagram

    Diagram of Dimensions for Flanged Pull Plugs


    Custom sizes available with low cost tooling.

    Try some FREE silicone flanged pull plug samples – Contact Us for more information!

    NOTE: These plugs are manufactured from a softer (40-45 durometer, Shore A) silicone rubber material than many of our other caps and plugs (55-60 durometer, Shore A). This is to allow the flange to pass through a hole fully when removed from a part to be masked. Due to this softer durometer, some plugs will experience a higher rate of tearing and/or shrinking.

  • Masking 101 Helpful Hints

    When sizing for Silicone flanged pull plugs, look for the major (larger) diameter of the plug to be approximately 2 - 4% larger than the hole when used for powder coating and wet spray, and 3 - 7% larger for applications where the part is immersed in fluid (plating, anodizing, e-coating) to ensure the best seal.

    • Ideal for use in powder coating, e-coating, plating, and anodizing.
    • Use in temperatures up to 600°F / 315°C.
    • HINT: If the plug is a bit on the large side for the hole, but no smaller stock size is available/suitable for the hole, try dipping the plug in water, alcohol, or some other liquid to lubricate it before pulling the plug into place.


    Custom sizes available with low cost tooling. Contact Us today for a quote.

    NOTE: These plugs are manufactured from a softer (40-45 durometer, Shore A) silicone rubber material than many of our other caps and plugs (55-60 durometer, Shore A). This is to allow the flange to pass through a hole fully when removed from a part to be masked. Due to this softer durometer, some plugs will experience a higher rate of tearing and/or shrinking.