Silicone Tapered Plugs (STP's) are the most cost effective product to plug
holes that must be masked and heated up to 600°F. Most often a tapered plug is
used to plug blind holes that do not go all the way through a part. Ideally,
the plug should rest on the edge of the hole 1/3 to 1/2 way from the bottom
before insertion, to allow for easiest removal.
- STP's are ideal for use in powder coating, e-coating, plating and anodizing.
- STP's offer excellent high temperature and good chemical resistance.
- Bottom diameter should be 15% smaller than the hole diameter, for best fit.
- Top diameter should be 15% larger than hole diameter, to ensure enough plug
is outside of hole to aid in removal.
Custom sizes and shapes are available. Contact Viadon for a quote.
Note: Not all of the very large sizes are available for sampling - Contact Viadon for more information.